Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Feeling weird today...

The lady who inspired me to write this blog is someone I've never met in person.  She knows some people my mom knows peripherally, and we all play the same Facebook game, so we became 'friends' in order to advance in the game.  But I like her posts, and she's always seemed like such a positive person.  She's got 3 young kids, and a positive outlook on life, and celebrated 10 years with her husband not too terribly long ago.

Yesterday, she posted that her husband had passed away suddenly.  I'm ridiculously affected by this, especially for people I have not/probably won't ever meet.  3 young kids... a relatively young (I think mid 30s) couple, and he's just gone. 

I'm so sad for her, and know that there isn't anything I can say. 


I worry for her and her kids, and know that there isn't anything I can do, except pray that they make it through this.

Most of all, though, it brings mortality home... again.  We lost The Honey's brother-in-law 2 1/2 months ago.  A few weeks later, someone I used to know when I lived in MD passed away suddenly.  Both had young kids, and it makes me think about what I would do if I was in the same situation.  How would I cope?

Mostly, it makes me feel so incredibly blessed... I still have My Honey.  He's coming home tonight, and we'll be together.  That asterisk up there^ is the exact moment in the writing of this blog entry that he called me to tell me that he'd be coming home from work soon, and that he'd taken care of dinner... I don't have to cook tonight.  So sweet. 

Anyways... bittersweet ramblings, after hearing someone else's tragic news... I just feel weird.


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