Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Organization and the science fair

I didn't sleep entirely well last night, and woke up very tired.  Lazed around most of the morning, and decided to get down to all of the stuff I've been avoiding all week.  Major reorganization.  You must know I had to be *extremely* bored in order to turn to cleaning/organizing. LOL

I got my summer and winter wardrobes switched out (talk about behind the times) so that the summer stuff is put away a little more, and the winter stuff is more organized and accessible.  So that's a start.  Tomorrow I tackle the rest of our 'spare room'.  Yippee :D

When the boy came home, he finished up his homework and then decided to get started on his science fair project.  The topic he was given (because he waited too long to choose one) was to find out what would happen if you roll a full can of soda and an empty one down a plank... which one will hit the ground first? 

We got all of the legwork done today... 3 different inclines, 5 trials each, so that his data is conclusive and thorough, and I got pictures of all of it for his posterboard... not sure what else to put on there, because it is SO straightforward.  But I'm proud of him for deciding to work on it tonight (3 weeks before it's due).  We'll spend the next few weeks trying to make it look as good as possible. 

Oh yeah... and I ate potatoes for breakfast.  ROFL

1 comment:

  1. What is this 'Spare oom' you speak of?


    Good science project. Best you can do to spruce that one up, I think is to come to a firm hypothesis, and then use that to find supporting graphics and other neat stuff to add.
