Friday, January 7, 2011

Oh, the indignity...

Today got off to a rough/slow start.  I woke up with the kind of headache that makes you want to curl up into a ball and forget that you exist.  That's what I did for the first few hours after I took the boy to school this morning... slept on the couch, nuggled up with the dog.  Headache hung in there, though, and didn't break until several hours after I'd gotten up and decided that I had to get moving, headache or not.

As for right now, The Boy's got a friend over, and they're off giggling in his room, so The Honey and I are chillin in the living room.  He's taking this rare kid-free time early in the evening to play his gross-out video game. 

I wouldn't post a pic of The Boy's friend here on the blog, so I'm going to cheat a little and post a pic of the way things go around here when he comes to play, but the pic is actually a bit of a cheat because it's from the LAST time he was here.

Living where we do now, we're likely to run in to Bengals fans... it's just a fact of life, and we try not to hold it against 'em... The Boy's best friend is a Bengals fan.  You should hear the smack talk back and forth between 10 year old fans of two 4 and 12 teams.  It's pretty bad.
Anyways, the last time he came over, The Friend brought his brand new Carson Palmer doll (action figure?  *in*action figure?  Who knows) to the house.  That couldn't be left alone... not in this house. Here's what good old Carson ended up looking like by the time he left:  Pay special attention to the improvement to his helmet :D  He'd have been wearing a whole Broncos uni, but then you wouldn't be able to tell who it was, lol.


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