Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Hello Blog...

I have missed you.

I stopped blogging because I was worried about my computer.  But I'm finding that the computer is erratic, in the times it dies... and I'm able to spend enough time on here each day (without it dying) to go ahead and try to pick up the blog again.

So I went for a walk/run this morning. I'm making an effort to try to lose those last few stubborn lbs. and trim some trouble spots up before the wedding.

Let's start by saying it was more of a walk than a run...  I started out running, and then dropped down to a walk...I picked up the pace a few times, but didn't want to overdo it.  I'll work up to that, right?

For those of you who run for *fun*  (and there are at least 5 of you on my Facebook friends list), I think you may all be certifiable.  That wasn't fun.  LOL.  It was, at the most, a means to an end.

Anybody have any advice?  Keep in mind, this isn't something I want to sink any money into... or necessarily something I even will keep up after I fit into that dress.  Right now I'd say that's doubtful, at best, but we'll see.

Here's hoping this gets easier.

PS... Where do you put your stuff?  I had stuff (phone, keys, IPod) I didn't want to leave the house without... but didn't have pockets, and ended up holding them in my hands... that felt silly.  LOL

Friday, January 21, 2011


It's been almost a week.  I don't know what's going to happen to this blog, for at least the short-term.  I definitely don't think I'm going to be able to continue to update daily.  We'll have to see.
My computer is dying.  It's a ridiculously sad thing for me.  I love this computer, and love Apple products, but there's no way that it's in the budget to go Apple again if I lose this computer.  I'll be crossing over to the dark side and getting something pretty cheap as a replacement, if I get anything.

Right now, my computer has taken to throwing tantrums and shutting down whenever it feels like it.  I don't know what's going on.  I need to take it in to have someone look at it, but the whole thing just kills me.  There's no pattern as to how long it's been running, or which programs I am using, either.  It just shuts down sometimes.  The last time, it almost didn't come back on.  I about had a panic attack.  I've got everything backed up, too... but then again, I don't know how much good a Mac backup is going to be if I end up running a Windows machine :(

Anyways, I'm using the computer very little nowadays, hoping to not run it into the ground any sooner than I have to.

I *have* tried to keep up with taking pictures as often as I can... just figuring on adding them to the blog when I can, and at least having the memories.

We were sorting through the junkmail and looking for coupons.  At one time or another, both the dog and the cat had claimed the pile for their own.

Using breadstick 'chopsticks' to eat our Alfredo :D

My guys are so cool.

Payback's a bummer.  I was told that if I got to take pictures of them, it was only fair if they took mine too. LOL

Guess who jumped on the Ravens bandwagon during the first half of the game against Pitt last weekend?

Playin Spongebob Connect 4

Watchin' our show.  I love my guys.

Just playin'

He wouldn't let me put his collar down... that's how he wanted it for school.

Nugglin w/ the dog

This is how we wait for Daddy to come home every night.

Friday, January 14, 2011

No pix again today

Nothing much to show.

It was report card day, and that was good.  The Boy got all As and Bs... not too bad.  He improved in 1 of 4 core subjects, but each of the other 3 slipped by half a letter grade.  Not horrible, but not a trend we want to see continue, either.  All in all, though, we can be happy with it, for sure, with room for improvement.

Nothing else major going on... quiet day at home, grocery shopping, and waiting for my guys.  They came home and we did the family dinner and tv time.  Now they're each playing their respective video games, and I'm here reflecting on how lucky I am to just have them.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

January 12 AND 13

Ok, so I was in a FOUL mood last night.  Horrible.

And I was about to come in here and post my 2 sentence post to say "I'm in a bad mood, and will talk to you tomorrow" and post my picture, when my internet completely died.  I figured that was God's way of hinting at myself that I need not be inflicting myself upon anyone at the moment. 

So I settled myself down into my spot in between these 2 lovely gentlemen and listened to The Honey teach The Boy about life through the Xbox.  

Today was much the same.  Best part of my day spent nuggling in between my guys. 

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Feeling weird today...

The lady who inspired me to write this blog is someone I've never met in person.  She knows some people my mom knows peripherally, and we all play the same Facebook game, so we became 'friends' in order to advance in the game.  But I like her posts, and she's always seemed like such a positive person.  She's got 3 young kids, and a positive outlook on life, and celebrated 10 years with her husband not too terribly long ago.

Yesterday, she posted that her husband had passed away suddenly.  I'm ridiculously affected by this, especially for people I have not/probably won't ever meet.  3 young kids... a relatively young (I think mid 30s) couple, and he's just gone. 

I'm so sad for her, and know that there isn't anything I can say. 


I worry for her and her kids, and know that there isn't anything I can do, except pray that they make it through this.

Most of all, though, it brings mortality home... again.  We lost The Honey's brother-in-law 2 1/2 months ago.  A few weeks later, someone I used to know when I lived in MD passed away suddenly.  Both had young kids, and it makes me think about what I would do if I was in the same situation.  How would I cope?

Mostly, it makes me feel so incredibly blessed... I still have My Honey.  He's coming home tonight, and we'll be together.  That asterisk up there^ is the exact moment in the writing of this blog entry that he called me to tell me that he'd be coming home from work soon, and that he'd taken care of dinner... I don't have to cook tonight.  So sweet. 

Anyways... bittersweet ramblings, after hearing someone else's tragic news... I just feel weird.


Snow day...

This was pretty early on... maybe an hour after I'd dropped The Boy off at school.


Did I ever tell you how much I looooove snow? 


I am so not a fan.  I've been out to shovel twice, and will probably go out a few more times.  I gotta get the snow up off the driveway before I go get The Boy from school, so I don't pack the snow down farther.  I wrestled with icy tire tracks for quite a while this morning. Then, I'll pull back into the driveway when I get home, so that there's at least part of the driveway I don't have to shovel before The Honey gets home.  I'll probably shovel one last time right before he gets here.  Yay.

The Boy gets off of school one hour early today.  I'm not real sure what the point of that is, but that's ok.  At least I get him home earlier. :D  I'll be much happier when he's home and when The Honey's home.  I hate when they're out there with crazy driver people who freak out at snow.

Monday, January 10, 2011


Most exciting thing I did today was go surprise The Honey at work on his lunch break today... I took The Pup up to say 'hi' :D.  Should have taken the camera, but I totally spaced it.

I like to go surprise him there.  His days are stinkish and long, and I hate that he has to go there, so if I can surprise him and brighten a day a little bit, I love to do that.  :D

We went across the street and hit the Wendy's for lunch real fast and had a quick meal in the car, just to break up the yuckiness of the boringness of the day. 

I struggled back and forth today with a desire to do some baking... partly because I think it would be fun, and I know the guys would love to have that stuff around... and partly because I'd like to be able to play with some of my new Christmas gifts.   Like THIS:  

That thing is so cool.  I can't wait to play around with making all sorts of icing designs.  But alas.... I know that if I got started, I might never stop, and somebody has to EAT all of that stuff... I can't have it in my house with 6 months to the wedding.  So maybe not... for now.  LOL

I did it ;)

Um... let's just say 'duh'... and once I quit trying to be so smart, it was really easy to get those silly little widgets in here. 

So I added a wedding counter, too. 

Fun :D

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Pretty simple day

No big deal today...

Slept in
Brunch (I LOVE making breakfastish stuff when my guys are home)
Yucky video game

I was washing dishes this morning, and had earphones in... was listening to the Les Miserables soundtrack, which I absolutely adore, and had kind of gotten lost in the music a little bit.  Standing at the sink, back turned to the house, lost in music, though, isn't always the best way to spend your time.  Completely independently, at separate times, each of my guys gave me a medium sized heart attack, just by walking in and trying to talk to me, assuming I could hear them coming.  I couldn't.  So all of a sudden, they'd be there, a foot behind me.  Holy cow, I'm surprised I didn't break half of our dishes this morning, lol.  The next time The Boy needed me, he came into the kitchen stomping his feet so that I'd know he was there.  That worked great, actually :D

I've been trying to figure out a way to put up my Goodreads stuff here on the blog... maybe then I'll keep that one up better too.  The only thing I've gotten up so far, though, isn't really what I wanted, though, because it doesn't seem to be updating.  Not sure if I'm gonna be able to get it to work the way I wanted.  We'll see.  I found the code... it SAYS just ad this gobbledygook to your site's HTML... but I know better than that.  You can't just put stuff anywhere you want.  It doesn't work that way, lol... and I have yet to figure out how to get it where I want it, and am not smart enough yet to be able to fix the errors it keeps throwing at me.

I'm kind of looking forward to watching that new show "The Cape" tonight... I'm getting more and more into the whole 'superhero' thing since I've met The Hubby... what's that say about me?  LOL.

Nothing too especially pictureworthy or original today, so here's just a shot of one of my favorite subjects:

Notice he's still sporting/supporting our Broncos on football Sunday, even though they're long out of it. :D

Back to work on that silly little widget.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Just when I think...

that we're not going to do anything picture-worthy today, The Honey goes and finds a video on How to Sound like Chewbacca.

ROFL.  We spent the next 10 min. practicing.  I, by far, am the worst at this, and quit even trying pretty quickly.  But here's the guys doing their Wookiee impressions.

The rest of the day was pretty simple... The Boy and The Friend played around... The Honey went to work this morning, like most Saturday mornings, and I chilled.  Then he came home around noon, and we spent the afternoon all hanging out.  The boys did their smack talking, and predicting, but nobody really thought the Seahawks would pull off that win, so that was pretty cool. 

Now The Boy's in bed listening to ESPN as he falls asleep, and The Honey and I are watching the Jets/Colts game.  This game's not nearly as fun to watch as the earlier game, but that's ok.  :D  Looking forward to sleeping in tomorrow, having The Honey home all day, making a nice brunch, and having more football to watch!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Oh, the indignity...

Today got off to a rough/slow start.  I woke up with the kind of headache that makes you want to curl up into a ball and forget that you exist.  That's what I did for the first few hours after I took the boy to school this morning... slept on the couch, nuggled up with the dog.  Headache hung in there, though, and didn't break until several hours after I'd gotten up and decided that I had to get moving, headache or not.

As for right now, The Boy's got a friend over, and they're off giggling in his room, so The Honey and I are chillin in the living room.  He's taking this rare kid-free time early in the evening to play his gross-out video game. 

I wouldn't post a pic of The Boy's friend here on the blog, so I'm going to cheat a little and post a pic of the way things go around here when he comes to play, but the pic is actually a bit of a cheat because it's from the LAST time he was here.

Living where we do now, we're likely to run in to Bengals fans... it's just a fact of life, and we try not to hold it against 'em... The Boy's best friend is a Bengals fan.  You should hear the smack talk back and forth between 10 year old fans of two 4 and 12 teams.  It's pretty bad.
Anyways, the last time he came over, The Friend brought his brand new Carson Palmer doll (action figure?  *in*action figure?  Who knows) to the house.  That couldn't be left alone... not in this house. Here's what good old Carson ended up looking like by the time he left:  Pay special attention to the improvement to his helmet :D  He'd have been wearing a whole Broncos uni, but then you wouldn't be able to tell who it was, lol.



It was bound to happen, but I'm sad that it only took me a week to forget to blog for a day.  I remembered last night as we were going to bed.  No way was I going to stall out the getting ready for bed process, though, so oh well.

I did manage to get a picture in the afternoon.  I just didn't get it posted or written about yesterday.

So here's my rant about this picture.  We had a *20*% chance of snow yesterday.  20!  Yeah.  That picture was after an hour... I'm thinking that our local meteorologist needs to go back to math class and learn a little bit about percentages and probabilities.  Last I checked, 20% meant something was pretty stinking unlikely to happen.  :(

Ok, I'm done.  Today's post will go up later.  I'm going to give the computer a little time to chill out... its fan is running pretty loud right this moment.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Organization and the science fair

I didn't sleep entirely well last night, and woke up very tired.  Lazed around most of the morning, and decided to get down to all of the stuff I've been avoiding all week.  Major reorganization.  You must know I had to be *extremely* bored in order to turn to cleaning/organizing. LOL

I got my summer and winter wardrobes switched out (talk about behind the times) so that the summer stuff is put away a little more, and the winter stuff is more organized and accessible.  So that's a start.  Tomorrow I tackle the rest of our 'spare room'.  Yippee :D

When the boy came home, he finished up his homework and then decided to get started on his science fair project.  The topic he was given (because he waited too long to choose one) was to find out what would happen if you roll a full can of soda and an empty one down a plank... which one will hit the ground first? 

We got all of the legwork done today... 3 different inclines, 5 trials each, so that his data is conclusive and thorough, and I got pictures of all of it for his posterboard... not sure what else to put on there, because it is SO straightforward.  But I'm proud of him for deciding to work on it tonight (3 weeks before it's due).  We'll spend the next few weeks trying to make it look as good as possible. 

Oh yeah... and I ate potatoes for breakfast.  ROFL

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

So I survived

Quiet day is over, and my guys are home.  It was surprising to me how weird it felt to be alone all day, and then to get back to our routine.  We'd only been doing the home all day thing for about 2.5 weeks, but everything felt weird today.

All's right in the world, now, though, and my guys are back to their games.  I'm sitting here happy as a clam.

Ate too much today, though.  I kind of expected that.  It was absolutely a function of boredom.  I'll have to work on that.

Well, this is it...

That's my couch.  Notice the distinct LACK OF PEOPLE?  Yeah, I'm alone with the manimals, and they're not much for conversation... so I've got the TV going, for company, and all I want to do is eat.  So guess what I just threw on the stove?  You got it... potatoes.  I don't know what's wrong with me.  Seriously.  Potatoes?


Monday, January 3, 2011


200 DAYS!

That's 17,280,000 seconds, but who's counting?

Well, Kris Allen and Us, I guess ;)

What do you suppose it means...

That I am craving potatoes all the time?  I have no idea.  I can't get enough of them, though.  Bizarre.  I've looked it up online, and the most common thing I can find is that I'm lacking Tryptophan in my diet.  REALLY?  Tryptophan?  Isn't that the stuff in turkey that makes you sleepy?  Why would I need more of that?  I'm stumped.  LOL

I can say, without a doubt, that already... 3 days in to the year, and I'm definitely doing better with the whole 'daily update to the blog' thing than I am the whole 'dietary moderation' thing.  Ugh... feels like I was eating all day. :(

The Honey got a new video game today, and to say that it's not 'child appropriate' would be the biggest understatement of my life.  I'm even a little grossed out just listening to the thing in the background.  So, after we sat down and had dinner and watched our family show tonight, he threw that into our living room Xbox, and The Boy got all excited... "Do I have time for Madden?"  Lol, yeah... so they're playing their games... one decompressing from the first day back at work, and the other trying to forget he's back to school tomorrow.

The house felt funny today without The Hunny home today (I was lucky enough to have him here for 9 days straight), and tomorrow will be worse, I'm sure, because The Boy's been home with me for almost 2 1/2 weeks.  Not that I don't have a TON to do that I put off while they were here... I definitely do.  But I'll miss them, and the house will feel SUPER empty.  I'll probably have to have the TV or music going all day to fill that void, since the manimals aren't much for conversation.  LOL

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Feeling extremely domestic today...

Maybe it's because today is my last day with my 2 guys at home.  9 days went by WAY too fast.

It's a great day, though.  I got up and made a big brunch (so much for moderate eating, huh?  It's Jan 2, and I've fallen off that wagon already.)  We had pancakes (The Boy had his special blueberry pancakes from Nana and Papa), home fries, and bacon.  Yum.

We had a chance to go throw the football around for a little while, which made me extremely happy... we haven't been able to do that on Game Day for quite a while, though we did slip out and throw it around for a few minutes on Christmas Day, with The Honey's new football, so the guys could try out their new receiver gloves.  We had a blast out there today, and those gloves make quite a difference.

I've got chocolate chip banana bread in the oven, and it's starting to smell good. :D

The Broncos and Tim Tebow are on in less than half an hour, and I'm totally psyched for that too.

Happy New Year!

Ok, so I'm about half an hour late for the first official Project 365 post... but it's still today, as far as I'm concerned, so oh well. ;)

We had a nice lunch out today with some friends, and then came home to relax, for probably the first time during The Honey's vacation (which is almost over). 

We listened to some music, played Just Dance II (sorry, no pix of this one... I'm sure it'd be frightening, lol)  and then watched a movie.  What a great afternoon and evening. 

The Boy also got to see a Disney movie he'd been hoping to see, so that was pretty cool.

All in all, a pretty boring start to Project 365, but a great day... Sometimes the 'boring' days are my favorites. ;)

Oh yeah, and we did get signed up for Skype so that we can do our Pre-marital counseling long distance... lol.  Isn't technology grand?