Sunday, December 19, 2010

An early resolution

I've recently met someone online who is great about chronicling her family's life.  She takes at least 1 picture/day of something that's happened, and writes maybe a paragraph or 2.  I think that's awesome, and am going to try to do this this coming year.  I'd like to blog about us more... what's going on here and so on.  So here's to the (early) start of Project 365/2011.  I'm excited about it now, so we'll start a few days before the new year.

The Boy spent the night last night with a friend, so The Honey and I had a nice chill evening wrapping his presents.  Now I'm in the front half of the living room while The Honey wraps *my* presents behind the couch.  We've got football on the TV, but "our" game isn't on until 4:15, so we've got time to kill.

Here's how we spend our Sundays - The Game is on, and we're spending our time in the online community for our team.  Before the weather turned nasty, we'd spend a good part of the afternoon before our game and then again at halftime throwing around the pigskin in the back yard.  That's no longer possible, but we still spend the afternoon together with our football :D.

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